Current Issue

Vol 3 No 2 (2021): The Re-signification of Teaching Practices in Angola

This edition of the Angolan Journal of University Extension has as its theme "The re-signification of practices in teaching in Angola." To reflect on the theme, the terms resignification and practices were selected to conduct the proposal under analysis. The selection of the terms made it possible to look at the reality of Angolan teaching and analyse the way practices have been done in this context.

The notion of practice is being approached in two dimensions. The first, as the result of the application of a particular action, called pedagogical practices and seen as a curricular unit, and the second, focused on custom and usage, being more comprehensive and based on the activity of the teacher, who based on his or her knowledge, offers answers to the most varied challenges of the craft.

Published: 2022-08-08
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RAEU is a biannual publication of the Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo, a public institution of higher education in Angola. The Journal publishes academic articles resulting from original theoretical or field research related to university extension.

It aims to offer a space for the dissemination of national and international scientific productions on University Extension, or related to this field.

 RAEU, in its studies and publications, prioritizes the circulation of knowledge and investigations that favor the deepening of discussions related to university extension.

RAEU is indexed on the ASRPC (Europub) and the OJS Index.

ISSN: 2707-5400