Continuity of Educational Action in the Angolan Household's Context During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Keywords: COVID-19, Educational alternatives, Family


This article results from a study that aimed to identify the educational forms adopted by parents and guardians, to support the teaching and learning process of their children, and how these (forms) were implemented in the family context and / or home care during the quarantine imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We opted a methodology based on the quantitative paradigm, and the data has been collected through a questionnaire survey, answered by a sample of 50 parents and guardians. From the investigation, the following results stand out: the number of children interferes with the organization, guidance and decent conduct of educational activities at home; the children's content notebooks and school manuals were considered the most used means during home classes; accompanying children during tele-class, assisting them in writing texts, solving math exercises and tasks left by teachers before family confinement, were seen as the forms of teaching support, most used by parents during the period of social isolation. 


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Author Biographies

Fortunato Pedro Talani Diambo, Escola Superior Pedagógica da Lunda-Norte. Universidade Lueji A'Nkonde, Angola

Master in Education Administration and Management from the University of Évora / Portugal; Degree in Educational Sciences in the specialty of Teaching Mathematics by the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of Huila, Angola. Assistant Professor and Vice-Dean for Academic Area at the Lunda-Norte Higher School of Education at Lueji A´ Nkonde University in Angola.

Carlos Pedro Cláver Yoba, Universidade Lueji A´Nkonde, Angola

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences by the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences in Havana-Cuba. Full Professor and Rector at Lueji A’Nkonde University, where he has held the position of Pro-Rector for Cooperation. Develops research in the areas of vocational guidance and vocation, professional motivation and scientific research methodology. He has held various management positions at Angolan public universities, having extensive knowledge about education in Angola.

Francisco António Macongo Chocolate, Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação de Cabinda. Universidade 11 de Novembro, Angola

PhD in Education from the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Master in Educational Psychology from Centro Universitário Fieo, UNIFIEO, Osasco – Brazil. Degree in Education Sciences, Esnino Opção de Psicologia by Universidade Agostinho Neto Angola. He currently holds the position of Vice-Rector for Extension and Cooperation at the 11 de Novembro University and professor at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences (ISCED-UON), in the disciplines of General Psychology and Research Methodology in Education in the category of Assistant Professor.


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How to Cite
Diambo, F. P., Yoba, C. P., & Chocolate, F. A. (2020). Continuity of Educational Action in the Angolan Household’s Context During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Angolan Journal of University Extension, 2(2), 68 - 88. Retrieved from