
Intervención de las instituciones de educación superior en el ámbito social


El contexto social actual, en general, ha estado impregnado de desafíos, en muchos casos, derivados de adversidades de diversa índole, lo que impulsa a las instituciones a desarrollar acciones que les permitan adaptarse a los contextos y, más que eso, a la resiliencia organizacional. Para las instituciones escolares, especialmente las dedicadas a la producción de conocimiento, los retos son quizás mayores, cuyas complejidades entrelazan la producción, la sistematización del conocimiento y la difusión de los resultados obtenidos a través del método científico. Esta realidad lleva implícita la lógica de la pertinencia y el compromiso social de las instituciones, que se asocia inevitablemente a su estrecha vinculación con la sociedad. De manera tangencial, consideramos que la extensión universitaria se configura como un campo de intervención privilegiado para las instituciones de educación superior, como un área que fomenta el compromiso social de la universidad.


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Biografía del autor/a

Maria da Conceição Barbosa Rodrigues Mendes, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação de Benguela, Angola

Full Professor at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences in Benguela, where she holds the position of Decana. Professor for 34 years, 25 of which in Higher Education. In addition to her formal and institutional relationship with ISCED-Benguela, she is a guest lecturer in the postgraduate course at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences in Huambo and Huíla. She has several publications including articles, books, book chapters and communications in national and international scientific events.

In the field of administration and management, the teacher accumulates experiences arising from the exercise of management and leadership positions at the level of the supervisory bodies of Higher Education in Angola (National Director) and the Organic Unit, in the management of the academic, scientific and holder of the management body. She took part in the processes that led to the creation of the Juridical Regime for the Assessment and Accreditation of the Quality of Higher Education Institutions in Angola. 

It is affiliated with the Forum for the Management of Higher Education in Portuguese Language Countries and Regions (FORGES), the International Forum on Education Policy and Administration (InterEduc), the International Association of Social and Human Sciences in Portuguese Language (AICSH-LP), Portuguese Forum of Educational Administration (FPAE), the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SPCE) and collaborator of the Research Center of the University of Minho (CIED).


Cómo citar
Mendes, M. (2021). Editorial. Revista Angoleña De Extensión Universitaria, 2(3). Recuperado a partir de http://www.portalpensador.com/index.php/RAEU-BENGO/article/view/405