Mapping of the Actions of Higher Education Institutions Facing the Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Angola

Keywords: Social cartography, Research and extension projects, Higher education institutions


This article focuses on the reactions and projects of Higher Education Institutions in the context of the changes imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic which influenced the readjustment of study plans, curricula creating interference in the practices of teachers and students. The doors of the HEIs were closed considering Presidential Decree No. 82/20, of 26 March, which defines temporary exception measures for the prevention and control of the spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic, leading to the suspension of classroom activities in educational establishments. With no expected return to classes, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, proposed distance learning through Executive Decree No. 02/20, of 19 March. But how would that work? Would this teaching modality be accessible to everyone in the academic community? How to go beyond the walls of the university in the face of the spread of the pandemic? If we start from the analysis that it is to the extent that approximation, integration and cooperation with the community - society as a catalyst, take place, of the actions - the methodological procedure, based on the mapping of the projects in support of an interpretative research and within the framework of the continuous cycle of research. Ball's policies (1992, 1997, 1998), we tried to configure social cartography for analysis of actions considering the context of production of university extension policies (legal diplomas, Institutional Development Plan and Action Plan), HEIs as context influence, reading and analysis of HEI reports as a context of practices.



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Author Biographies

Chocolate Adão Brás, Instituto Superior Politécnico Sol Nascente, Angola

Doctoral student in Education, in the research line Educational Policies of the Postgraduate Programme in Education of the Federal University of Paraná. Master's Degree in Educational Administration from ISCED-Luanda. He has a degree in Psychology Teaching from ISCED-Cabinda. He is an Associate Researcher at the Centre for Studies and Scientific Research of IMETRO (CEICin) working in the research line Education: public policies, teacher training, teaching practice and labour society. Currently its Vice-Dean Director for the Scientific Area of Instituto Superior Politécnico Sol Nascente in the province of Huambo, Angola.

Lando Emanuel Ludi Pedro, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação de Cabinda, Angola

Doctoral student in Education, specialising in Theory and Curriculum Development, from the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon. Master's Degree in Education Sciences, specialising in Higher Education Pedagogy, from the ISCED of Luanda. Diploma in Advanced Studies in Curriculum Theory and Development, by the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon. Degree in Pedagogy from ISCED-Cabinda, institution in which he works as a teacher of Curriculum Development. He is Collaborating Researcher at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon and Director of Academic Services at the Academic Region III, University 11 de Novembro - Cabinda and Zaire.


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How to Cite
Brás, C., & Pedro, L. (2021). Mapping of the Actions of Higher Education Institutions Facing the Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Angola. Angolan Journal of University Extension, 2(3). Retrieved from