Improvements in the Processes of Management of University Extension Actions, in Confrontation with COVID-19

Keywords: Management, University extension, Improvement, Covid 19


As a result of the social impact of Covid 19 and the epidemiological measures for its control, transformations have been generated in university management to give continuity to the training processes of professionals, which are manifested in university extension as a substantive process object of improvement to update its content, considering the tasks of students and teachers related to the subprocesses of cultural promotion, education and training, extension projects that transform them, the relationship between university and society is considered, with emphasis on the particularities of the communities where the students, as a characterizer of the context that determines the structuring of extension strategies that promote the continuity of the training process, by articulating in the tasks the academic-labor-investigative-extensionist components whose design, execution, control, feedback and evaluation are carried out using the redes social in the ways described in this work, which aims to support the improvement of the university extension management process from its content, as a viable alternative to maintain the training of university students in the pandemic caused by Covid 19.


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Author Biographies

Inidia Rubio Vargas, Universidade de Havana, Cuba

Graduate in Education, specialising in Mathematics, Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, Master in Educational Sciences, Lecturer at the University of Havana. Latin American academic peer accredited by the International Network of Education and Pedagogy (REDIPE). President of the Cuban Chapter of REDIPE. Senior Lecturer in Economics of Education, Doctorate in Educational Management, mention in Economics of Education, Enrique José Varona University of Pedagogical Sciences, Havana. Researcher in the area of Educational Sciences, especially her latest publications are related to institutional management in higher education. She has more than 70 publications in indexed journals and book chapters.

Isaías Domingos Simão, Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo, Angola

Doctor from Pedagogical Sciences from the Latin American and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute (IPLAC), “UNESCO Chair in Educational Sciences” in Havana, Cuba. Now he is Director and Vice-director for the Academic Area on the Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo, an angolan public faculty. He is also Member of the National Commission for Curriculum Harmonization, Education and Training domain and representative of ESP-Bengo in the Network of Higher Education Institutions for Teacher Training in Angola (RIESFPA).

Juan Abreu Payrol, Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, Cuba

Graduate in Education, specialising in Chemistry, Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Master in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Professor at the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana. Professor of Pharmacognosy at the University of Havana. Latin American academic peer accredited by the International Network of Education and Pedagogy (REDIPE). His research is multidisciplinary in the area of Pharmaceutical Sciences and educational management. He is an expert in Natural and Traditional Medicine in Latin America and the Caribbean. He has more than 60 publications in indexed journals and book chapters.


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How to Cite
Vargas, I., Simão, I., & Payrol, J. (2021). Improvements in the Processes of Management of University Extension Actions, in Confrontation with COVID-19. Angolan Journal of University Extension, 2(3). Retrieved from